April 30, 2003

cd database

If you have software that relies on an online database such as CDDB, don't. Change the settings so that it uses a free, open CD database such as FreeDB.

Why do this? Well, because Gracenote are not nice people. They charge software developers to include CD-lookup functionality. (They offer a free option for developers, but if you use it you have to offer CDDB and only CDDB.) If you're an open source developer, and have no money, you effectively can't include a CDDB lookup function.

Lucikly we have the FreeDB.

If you use popular CDDB-enabled software such as Audiograbber, CDex, or Exact Audio Copy (among others), then switch to FreeDB.

Posted by complex at April 30, 2003 11:59 AM | TrackBack
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