April 09, 2003

hey, can you bring crutches to a cakewalk?

The inimitable David Rees has produced a new edition of Get Your War On.

David makes some an interesting point about language in an interview done by Philip Henken of the New York Press. "Operation Enduring Freedom" is indeed awesome, David. So was "Operation Infinite Justice". Even awesomer. "Patriot Act"? Fucking Incredible. Nothing says American Patriot like unabated surveillance of all American citizens. Gives me the warm fuzzies. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is a particularly super-awesome choice. I'm guessing the ad wizard who thought this one up didn't give even a passing thought to the fact that the operation might fail. I don't want it to happen, but wouldn't it be hilarious if we never freed the Iraqi citizens? Or if they were freed but a dictator later took control?

Come to think of it, there probably is a junior advertising exec somewhere in the Bush Administration, some TBWA Chat Day reject just relishing the fact that he gets to apply his marketing and branding skills to military operations, to wars. Kind of makes me wish for a simpler time, you know?

Posted by complex at April 9, 2003 08:46 PM | TrackBack
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